Thursday, June 12, 2008

It is time to take a "three hour tour"...

Hollywood is in high gear on belching out all these remakes and sequels and all sorts of crap. Well why not make a fun one. How about a Gilligan's Island movie???!!!

Make it a fun movie, but don't turn it into drug and sex jokes every 30 seconds like they did with Dukes of Hazzard. The story does not have to be amazing, but it also can't be out and out stupid. Throw some subtle LOST and Survivor references in there with some humor from the original show and you are good to go. The most fun would be the casting.

The Professor...easy...Harrison Ford. He really needs to start making roles like this where he can sit back, earn a few million for doing next to nothing, have fun and laugh at himself a bit.

Skipper--Either John Goodman or Jack Black. I go with John Goodman, but since he did Fred Flintstone, go with Jack Black.

Gilligan--Some up and coming young teen heartthrob, Zac Effron or Shia Lebouff

The Howell's--An older couple that were on TV Stefanie Powers and Robert Wagner. Or Pierce Brosnan and Stephanie Zembalist.

Ginger--Please do not pull a Spider Man and cast an ugly blond chick as a red head. And not damn Lindsey Lohan either...go with Laura Prepon from That 70's Show or Angie Everhart.

Mary Ann-- Young, hot, brunettes are a dime a dozen. I wouldn't mind seeing Anne Hathaway or someone like that...

There you get the cast, the plot should be pretty easy, heck you have plenty of source material, and a villain or baddie that ends up being a cool star you would not expect as a baddie (Kind of like Jason Lee in The Incredibles ) and you have yourself one fine Gilligan's Island movie...just make sure it does not end with them getting off the island!